Newborn Tongue & Lip Tie
The Issue
In order to have the best results with nursing, babies need to create a vacuum type pressure with their lips and tongue on the breast. This aids in the release of milk.
When a baby has a tongue and/or lip tie they compress or squeeze their mother in order to facilitate the release of breast milk. This can be quite painful for mom which leads to a shorter nursing time period and a decrease in all the benefits associated with breast milk.
Thankfully there is a minor surgical procedure that can correct the tongue and/or lip tie. This makes breastfeeding much less painful for mom and allows the child to form a far better latch. This procedure is done in all age groups. As we age a tight frenum can cause difficulty with speech, spacing of teeth, eating and even sleeping.
How is it corrected?
The frenum is a tight cord of tissue that anchors the tongue to the floor of the mouth. This reduces the mobility of the tongue causing a “tongue tie”. There is also a frenum that attaches to upper lip and gumline. This tissue can cause a “lip tie”. Tongue and lip tie often occur together.
The procedure to release the cord of tissue and increase mobility of the tongue or lip is called a frenectomy or frenulotomy. It is a minor procedure that causes very little discomfort with extremely low risk of complication. The baby is able to breastfeed immediately after the procedure and the difference in how the child nurses can usually be noticed right away. After care involves observation, minor stretches and cleaning.
Our Mothers Room
We have created a peaceful, relaxing environment with a special table for the actual procedure. Our Mothers Room plays calming music and has a comfortable rocking chair for mothers who wish to nurse their baby before they leave the office.
Having the procedure done in our office allows families an opportunity to avoid going back to the hospital for surgery. We also offer flexible scheduling with same day consultation and procedure.
As a father of three, Dr. Robinson understands the challenges associated with having a young infant and nursing. Seeing the benefits this procedure brings to families has been incredibly rewarding. Dr. Robinson and his staff work with very skilled and knowledgeable pediatricians, lactation consultants, pediatric dentists and other health care professionals throughout the region. This service is provided in a comfortable, safe and peaceful environment.