Wisdom Teeth Removal
What are Wisdom teeth and who should have them removed?
Most people develop 32 permanent teeth over their lifetime. Typically the last four teeth to erupt from the gum tissue are the third molars or “wisdom teeth”. The need for wisdom teeth removal can occur at any age. In an ideal situation the patient will have them removed as a teen or young adult. Wisdom teeth normally emerge between the ages of 15 to 25 though they may erupt as early as age 11. Patients may require wisdom teeth removal because the jaw is often not large enough to accommodate them. As a result, these teeth can become “impacted” or embedded in gum tissue or bone. Our dedicated surgical facility has the most advanced equipment for optimal patient safety and comfort.
The Reasons for Wisdom Teeth Removal
The main reasons to consider extracting wisdom teeth include:
pain or sensitivity
teeth are malpositioned
periodontal or gum disease around the wisdom tooth
damage to the adjacent teeth
cysts around the jawbone
dental crowding or orthodontic reasons for surgery
planned orthognathic surgery treatment
Removing wisdom teeth prior to developing pain or problems is highly recommended. In addition, research shows an increase in risks and complications as patients age.
The Benefits
Having the wisdom teeth removed can help to promote better oral hygiene while reducing pain, inflammation and crowding in the posterior areas of the mouth.
The District Center for Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery offers a variety of anesthetic options to help with the anxiety of having surgery.
At your consultation appointment Dr. Robinson will go over the risks, benefits and alternatives to wisdom tooth removal.